In order to keep this website organized, I have decided to create a page just for scanners. Currently as of 11/2024 I have two scanner feeds running to Broadcastify. These feeds can be found on many updated police scanner apps on both Android and iPhone app stores. At the bottom is currently experimental and possibly may be turned into webpages of their own. One is an SDR recording of the United States Air Force EAM and the other is testing SDRTrunk.
Scanner Updates:
01/05/2025: Added KY Transportation District 12 to Letcher County Public Safety feed. Due to winter storm Blair, the NOAA Jackson weather stream is available for the rest of the week. This is to help those who can not access weather information normally.
Kentucky State Police Codes
10-1 Receiving Poorly
10-2 Receiving Well
10-3 Radio Silence Unless Emergency(s)
10-4 O.K.
10-5 Relay
10-6 Busy
10-7 Out of service (or Deceased)
10-8 In service
10-9 Repeat Your Traffic
10-10 Out of service-subject to call
10-11 Talking too Fast
10-12 Person(s) Present with Unit
10-12A (10-12 Alert)-Emergency/ Confidential INFO/ASAP
10-13 Wx Conditions
10-14 Convoy or Escort
10-15 Prisoner, Prisoner in Custody
10-16 Pick up prisoners at:
10-20 Location
10-21 Call by telephone
10-25 (Do You Have) Contact With
10-29 Check for Wanted/Stolen
10-29C Criminal History
10-29E Epic Inquiry
10-29L Check for Local Warrants/Paperwork
10-30 Radio TRF Does Not Conform to Policy
10-31 Domestic Violence/Crime at_____
10-33 School Violence/Crime at __
10-34 School Visit
10-35 Confidential
10-36 Correct time
10-37 Dispatcher
10-44 Traffic Stop
10-45 Non-injury Accident
10-46 Injury Accident
10-47 Vehicle Registration (w/o VIN)
10-49 Payroll Checks
10-50 Expense Checks
10-51 Wrecker
10-52 Ambulance/EMS
10-53 Request Back-up
10-54 Request Coroner
10-60 Suspicious Person
10-61 Motorist Assist
10-62 Loud Party
10-64 Status Check “Are You O.K.?”
10-65 I Am O.K.(Reply to 10-64, 10-4 or any other response means Trooper is Not O.K.)
10-74 Suicidal Person
10-75 Bomb Threat
10-80 Corpse
10-85 Wanted Person
10-86 Wanted Person-Felony
10-88 Telephone number
10-90 Alarm
10-92 Officer Hostage Situation
10-95 What is Your ETA?
10-96 En Route
10-97 Arrived at Scene
10-98 Finished last assignment
Signal Codes
1 Officer’s Home/Officer is at Home
2 Meet at______
3 Traffic or Messages
4 Post
5 Eating
6 Call Telephone Number
7 Emergency – Officer Down Situation
8 Disregard
9 Rush – Emergency Action Desired
10 Drugs
11 Communicable Disease Hazard/Universal Precautions Apply
Other Codes
0100 – Speeding
0115 – Reckless Driving
0148 – DUI–Drugs
0149 – Drunk driving
202A – Involuntary Hospitalization
600 – Mental Patient/”Acting Mental”
2301 – Public Intoxication
2304 – Under the Influence of Drugs Abbreviations
UTL – Unable to Locate
ATL – Attempt to locate
MA – Motorist Assist
MVA – Motor Vehicle Accident
MVC – Motor Vehicle Collision
GSW – Gun Shot Wound
Information regarding USAF EAM
Software Defined Radio
List of webSDR to listen and interact free: